Monday, July 27, 2015

Article Review: Technology as a Tool to Support Instruction by Lynne Schrum

Schrum, L. (n.d.) Technology as a Tool to Support Instruction.  Retrieved July 27, 2015

            This article talked about technology as a tool to support instruction in k-12 environments.  It started off by talking about how people think that technology will solve all our problems as educators.  The technology can make students smarter by osmosis.  People outside of the teaching profession feel that if a computer is placed in the classroom the teacher can stand back and watch the magic happen.  We as educators know that it isn’t that simple.
            The article moved on and discussed how educators need to be a part of process of integrating technology into the classrooms.  The teachers who are using the technology should be the ones to create and design professional development for their staff.  That professional development should include practice using the equipment, watching teachers model lessons that use the technology, and mentoring the teachers who are trying to use the technology for the first time in their classrooms.
            Administrators need to be brought into the conversations about what teaching looks like with the use of technology.  The article told a story about a teacher being observed by the administrator.  The teacher had some students on computers doing research while others were in small groups or on their own doing other things that went along with the lesson.  The administrator went up to the teacher and said that he would come back when the teacher was teaching.  It is clear that administrator had no understanding of what a technology-rich lesson looked like.
            Teachers need to work together with all stakeholders so that they have the support they need to get technology into their classrooms. Teachers must be included in planning the technology implementation and be encouraged to try out the new tools. Teachers must work together to lead others to find the best ways to use technology to enhance teaching and learning. 

            This article is important because it stresses the points that educators need to be a part of the process when choosing a technology tool that will be expected to be used in their classroom. 
            I feel that most of the time teachers’ thoughts and opinions are not considered when a new technology tool is being considered for educational purposes.  Too often a tool, in my district at least, is put in my room and I have no say in it, or I don’t receive any training on how to use the tool or how to incorporate it in my lessons. 

            Another thought I have about the article is how technology shouldn’t drive the education process.  Technology is just a tool for us to use with our curriculum.  If the technology doesn’t fit for that lesson then don’t try to force it.  There are some things that need to be taught without the use of a technology tool.  I think sometimes we forget that.  There is technology all around us and we feel that we have to use all of it in our classrooms so that we “relate” to what the students are using and doing outside of school.  I feel like we put an emphasis on technology just because it is “cool” or is popular at that moment and then our teaching fails.